As part of the interviewing for working together, he asked me what my story was, how I was brought up in the church, my core beliefs, etc. I was fascinated by the request but realized how important it was to accurately reflect these so our business arrangement could be long term and successful.
Have you ever been asked to share what you believe with someone as part of understanding who you are? What would you say if they did ask you, or would you say it is private? See, I am of the school of thought that we should always be willing to share our story, whether it be about our religion, our interests, family, etc. People want to know who they are working with. I encourage you to practice your story telling, in both written and verbal form.
Here is what I sent back, as a reference for you, and perhaps to help you understand me a bit more.
"I come from a strong Christian background with two good parents who invested in me. I also experienced a consistent run of quality teachers and ministers at the Southern Baptist churches where I attended growing up.
I realized early on that I was a creation of God, who built us to have communion with him. Through sin we became separated from him, and were no longer able to access the face to face walks that Adam experienced.
What I learned next is that God hates sin, and that each of us has this in us, breaking our connection to God, and putting us in jeopardy of eternal separation, since the only way to be in connection is to not have the sins on us.
While He created ways for early worshippers to reach out to him through sacrifices, He made the decision to allow us once and for all to receive a sacrifice. He sent His Son, Jesus, to earth in the form of a man to fully experience the life of a human, with all its joys, sorrows and temptations. He was born to a virgin and remained sinless while on earth.
He came with a purpose, and that was to die as a sacrifice, once and for all, to take our sins out of the way of our connection to God. His death accomplished this once and for all, and His resurrection from the dead further demonstrated his overcoming the evil in the world. God then told us through Christ, with further clarification from Paul in Romans that we can come to God through a belief in His son as our savior, and through the repentance of sins. We turn to God and away from Sin. I believe that I have asked Christ into my heart, and He has indwelt me with the Holy Spirit who guides me to the truth. I believe my salvation is assured. I also believe that my connection to God is always under attack and that I need to constantly gain wisdom, be vigilant, and repentant when I fall.
I love to learn, and spend a lot of time thinking about the mysteries of the Bible, from how we deal gracefully with sins among non-believers, to how we protect our families, to how we minister. I write alot and blog a lot about these thoughts as I try to work out my salvation. My wife and all four of my kids will be with me in heaven thanks to their decisions. We are active at MountainView Baptist Church where I teach college students, play bass in the praise band, and have been interim minister of music.
I fall a lot. Being a Christian is not easy and I find myself dealing with the challenges all the time. Mainly these are in the areas of worry and criticism. But I am working on it constantly, as I want my business to be one that is identified by its Christian Wisdom, and by the ethics and morals by which it is run."