Music moves me. I have always loved a wide array of different music genres as well as different musical instruments. I like to sing and I like to learn. We have guitars, wind instruments, brass instruments, pianos and accordions, along with a lot of percussion. I have tried to learn many of these instruments, mastered none, but learned a few. Check out what we have to offer in musical instruments and music support.
How does music relate to business? Well, consider this. There is a strong need in business to appreciate diversity. We can't always understand and relate to other people, but we can appreciate them and respect their differences.
Music is the same way. You may not particularly enjoy all types of music, but you can appreciate it for what it is. Did you know stores play Mozart, Beethoven and others because the music can make you feel more sophisticated and you will spend more? We react to music both consciously and unconsciously. Business is the same way. We feel certain reactions to the quality of people in an organization, the way they carry themselves and the way they communicate. If you cannot agree with everything they say, but you understand it completely, you are more likely to give a little in negotiations. If you can listen to and appreciate all different kinds of music, you have the chance to learn to be flexible. This will help you in strategic planning, to consider alternatives, it will help you in marketing and sales, to appreciate diversity, and in life, as you seek to talk with those different that you.
I am placing interesting combinations of music on for you to try. Keep checking back there for options for you to enjoy. The CD collections are used, and not in their cases, but I have enjoyed them and am now moving on to the next level of downloads. I have mixed up some crazy combinations of music for you to try.